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Chakra House

The Mystic Manor

The Mystic Manor is a spiritual community and retreat center. My client wanted the whole project to be based around Chakras, the energy centers of the body. I designed communal spaces, outdoor areas, and their short term rental bedrooms. This project was a personal favorite as my values lined up beautifully with theirs.

Looking from the kitchen into the dining room past a large mural of a woman painted with the chakra colors. The dining room features hanging plants ornate varied high back chairs and a large globe light fixture.
The dining table in Carolyn Tracy’s Chakra House Project. Featuring a large reclaimed wood table with ornate carved wood dining table upholstered in green velvet. There are plants surrounding the table.
The kitchen in Carolyn Tracy’s Mystic Manor Interior Design Project. The vignette shows the backs of the kitchen island stools. The stools are metal high backed stools in varying colors. Flanking the base of the spiral staircase are two totems with praying hands each wearing unique hats. The spiral staircase has stucco white walls and medium toned wood steps. There is a bright orange mandala on the white wall. To the left of the staircase there is an orange fu dog statue basking in the sunlight from the floor to ceiling windows.

Playing with light and color in this home was a joy. I placed a deep red carpet in the communal living area to inspire grounded conversation in the root chakra. 

As this house was sometimes used as a short-term rental property it was important to match the sheets in every bedroom for easy laundering. Though I added personality it was also important to keep things neutral and agreeable to all sorts of guests. 

A bedroom in the Chakra House project featuring an ornate rug, guitar, bookcase, and potted plants.
The podcast studio of the Chakra House project featuring 5 rounded chairs and a velvet curtain with lights that look like stars.

The house was also the home to a podcast. We designed this studio so they could begin producing with video. The deep purple signaled the connectedness of the third eye chakra. 

The backyard of the Chakra House project featuring a fire pit, pool, and two yurts lit up with string and purple lights.
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